Health happens when we create a suitable atmosphere within and around us. Similarly, bad health or disease also arises in our body and mind when we create an atmosphere for it.
We can either manifest Health or Illnesses in our lives,
it's completely in our hands.
Namaste, I am Nipun
MA in Yogic Science and Naturopathy, Shamanic Practitioner, Energy Healer
Born in an Indian Brahman family in New Delhi Nipun has been practising and living Yoga since childhood. He grew up learning ancient knowledge about energy and healing. Nipun's devotion has always been towards attaining yogic knowledge and understanding the most complicated system in the entire world - the human system.
In his healing sessions, he combines ancient methods with his sensibility to help his clients unblock themselves and find back to balance.
It is a real blessing to live in a healed state:
When your body is healthy and disease-free, your mind is one-pointed and steady, your emotions are stable and happy, and your energy system is pure and exuberant. When all these dimensions are in tune with each other and you are feeling “wholesome”, then we say you are healthy and in a healed state.
My Energy Healings are divided into different methods. According to your problem and need, I chose which method(s) we will use to bring you back into balance. You can also tell me your preferred healing method.
All sessions are done in a safe, consecrated and sacred space. I start by opening and expanding the radiance of my Devine Surya Chakra on myself and my client, to create a holy and safe healing space. This way we make sure that no negative energies or entities can interfere during the healing process.
Healing stones, rattle, drum, fire, mantras, incense, a small creative homework for my client, my power animal, etc, are also a part of this Healing session.
In the world of energy healing, Reiki is seen as one supreme, absolute infinite — an energy that connects all living beings and governs the world and universe. It is an unseen spiritual power that vibrates at the highest frequency and all other powers fade into insignificance beside it. If you pay attention and notice, that the greatest powers of the Universe can not be seen with our physical eyes but can only be felt. For example, the gravitational force of Mother Earth, the air we breathe in and the oxygen that keeps us alive. Therefore it is the universal life force, life energy, from the greatest Devine spirit, that when applied vitalises the whole system.
Benefits of Reiki:
- It helps in retaining physical health and mental balance. Reiki is used to heal acute and chronic diseases and is cleansing for the entire system.
- In about 4 to 12 reiki sessions we find a great change taking place within the body, all internal organs and glands begin to function with much vision and rhythm.
- The digestive juices put out normal flow, congested nerves loosen up, the lazy colon gets organised and many years of accumulated toxins find their way out through the pores of the client's body.
- With such good cleansing, the body becomes active. The numbed nerves regain a sense of feeling, appetite increases, and sound sleep becomes natural.
How Reiki will help you heal
Reiki healing is done in person as well as in distance. Both ways are equally effective. Reiki is done through hands, the healer becomes the channel through which the Reiki flows and reaches the client for the purpose of healing.
Different ancient healing geometrical symbols are also used for the following reasons: to increase:
- To increase the power of the client's spirit
- To create emotional healing and stability
- To establish peace and harmony within &
- To make the Soul feel protected and safe.
In a general reiki session, you will receive Reiki on your entire body, from the head to the souls of your feet (eyes, sinuses, pituitary gland, thymus gland, ears, throat, heart, stomach, liver… entire legs and I will also reset the momentum/spinning of your 7 major Chakras.
NOTE: if you come with a specific problem/ailment then after a couple of general reiki sessions I start to focus on the mentioned issue. Initially, general reiki sessions are very important, because these basic sessions give a kick-start to the healing process.
Reiki sessions are also offered for the following:
- Reiki for the Growth of business/work
- Reiki for the growth of a Love relationship
- The energy of Reiki can be directed to a specific person, business or a couple who are in a love relationship. Anyone and anything can benefit from Reiki.
Your body switches on the fight-flight-or-freeze mode when you get stressed by outside factors. These can be small things or major events, which put you in a very difficult situation. For example, you have a heated argument with somebody or someone triggers you by doing something that you don’t like. In this situation, your body will turn on the f/f /f -mode and start to release stress hormones- cortisol, adrenalin, and steroid hormones which are toxic and deadly for brain cells. The Reset Process will bring you back to a state of rest and relaxation.
These stress hormones are there in the body to help us deal with stressful situations by increasing our heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The body automatically releases the stress hormones in stressful situations to prepare the body to fight or run away. One more thing can happen in these scenarios, is that you can also freeze, you can not fight or flee, but instead, you freeze and because of this your nervous system becomes frozen, your immune system is frozen, your endocrine system is frozen… and you keep producing cortisol and adrenaline. The problem is that the human body knows how to switch on the f/f/f-mode but not how to switch it off!
NOTE: If your f/f/f-mode is switched on for a long period, you become hyper-vigilant, ignore or misread the signs of danger, miss great opportunities in life and also let go of the possibilities of a better present and future. Moreover, you don’t sleep deep and rest well, meditation becomes difficult, your mind runs like a wild horse and your world becomes shattered and is no longer safe. These hormones damage the hippocampus in the brain and also create a huge hormonal imbalance. Unlike birds, dogs or cats, we humans don’t have an automatic system to switch off the f/f/f-mode.
How a RESET will help you heal
Yogis and energy healers figured out that our second Chakra is related to our adrenals. When we reset the rhythm of the 2nd chakra to the heartbeat of the MOTHER earth we can switch off the f/f/f-mode and return to a relaxed state. I will discuss and explain the healing method during the healing session further.
In this process we embark on a healing journey together, to understand the causes of your sufferings, and to help you get free from pain and repeated disturbing issues/diseases in life, caused by unhealed negative emotions that accompany trauma. Untreated or neglected past traumas cause unstable emotions and suffering/diseases.
Your unhealed past disturbs your present life - physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. Your unhealed past pushes you to choose the wrong life partner, and unsatisfying career/jobs…, moreover, it forces you to create an environment for an illness… and forces you to make the same mistakes/choices again and again.
How Surya Shakti Healing will help you heal
- It scratches off and burns the dirt collected around your chakra. This reduces stress and anxiety by promoting “emotional balance” and “stability”. Therefore it will increase your life span, and boost your immune system as well as your energy level.
- It will erase “imprints“ (programs that put information about disease or abusive relationships through one of your chakras directly into your central nervous system) from your Energy field. These imprints may have caused health issues, failed marriages, accidents or bad love relationships. They can be of various types and should be cleared out before they become active and disturb our inner and outer world.
Some Intrusive Energies and Entities attach themselves to your energy field and sometimes even penetrate your energy field and cause diseases. In this healing session, we will together extract these intrusive energies and entities that don’t belong to us and clear our body and energy field from them.
Intrusive energies can cause physical issues, and psychological mood disorders, make you angry, and the way you behave with others. Most of us bring toxic energies with us from our childhood trauma and even from past lifetimes. These energies are heavy, and dark and affects badly our energy field and chakras and affect our body and mind. These energies contain bad memories of painful events and relationships we couldn’t heal. Over some time these toxic energies become hard and sort of solid and manifest as disease in the body.
Intrusive entities are the ones who have died unconsciously and now looking for forgiveness and healing so that they can return to the realm they originally belonged to. These stuck spirits could be unknown to us or could be of our close ones.
In the extraction or energetically surgery process either we will extract the intrusive energies and put them into the ground so that they can dissolve naturally or we will extract the Intrusive entities and help them to return home peacefully.
I will discuss the entire process with you during the healing session.
Book your Healing Session now
You can book your Session right here. After payment, I will reach out to you to fix the date and time.
Healing Session with Nipun
I am looking forward to embarking on a profound, spiritual journey of self-healing with you.