Health happens when we create a suitable atmosphere within and around us. Similarly, bad health or disease also arises in our body and mind when we create an atmosphere for it.

We can either manifest Health or Illnesses in our lives,
it's completely in our hands. 

Namaste, I am Nipun

MA in Yogic Science and Naturopathy, Shamanic Practitioner, Energy Healer

Born in an Indian Brahman family in New Delhi Nipun has been practising and living Yoga since childhood. He grew up learning ancient knowledge about energy and healing. Nipun's devotion has always been towards attaining yogic knowledge and understanding the most complicated system in the entire world - the human system.

In his healing sessions, he combines ancient methods with his sensibility to help his clients unblock themselves and find back to balance.

It is a real blessing to live in a healed state:

When your body is healthy and disease-free, your mind is one-pointed and steady, your emotions are stable and happy, and your energy system is pure and exuberant. When all these dimensions are in tune with each other and you are feeling “wholesome”, then we say you are healthy and in a healed state.

My Energy Healings are divided into different methods. According to your problem and need, I chose which method(s) we will use to bring you back into balance. You can also tell me your preferred healing method.


All sessions are done in a safe, consecrated and sacred space. I start by opening and expanding the radiance of my Devine Surya Chakra on myself and my client, to create a holy and safe healing space. This way we make sure that no negative energies or entities can interfere during the healing process.
Healing stones, rattle, drum, fire, mantras, incense, a small creative homework for my client, my power animal, etc, are also a part of this Healing session.


In the world of energy healing, Reiki is seen as one supreme, absolute infinite — an energy that connects all living beings and governs the world and universe. It is an unseen spiritual power that vibrates at the highest frequency and all other powers fade into insignificance beside it. If you pay attention and notice, that the greatest powers of the Universe can not be seen with our physical eyes but can only be felt. For example, the gravitational force of Mother Earth, the air we breathe in and the oxygen that keeps us alive. Therefore it is the universal life force, life energy, from the greatest Devine spirit, that when applied vitalises the whole system.


Your body switches on the fight-flight-or-freeze mode when you get stressed by outside factors. These can be small things or major events, which put you in a very difficult situation. For example, you have a heated argument with somebody or someone triggers you by doing something that you don’t like. In this situation, your body will turn on the f/f /f -mode and start to release stress hormones- cortisol, adrenalin, and steroid hormones which are toxic and deadly for brain cells. The Reset Process will bring you back to a state of rest and relaxation.


In this process we embark on a healing journey together, to understand the causes of your sufferings, and to help you get free from pain and repeated disturbing issues/diseases in life, caused by unhealed negative emotions that accompany trauma. Untreated or neglected past traumas cause unstable emotions and suffering/diseases.


Some Intrusive Energies and Entities attach themselves to your energy field and sometimes even penetrate your energy field and cause diseases. In this healing session, we will together extract these intrusive energies and entities that don’t belong to us and clear our body and energy field from them.

Book your Healing Session now

You can book your Session right here. After payment, I will reach out to you to fix the date and time.

Healing Session with Nipun


I am looking forward to embarking on a profound, spiritual journey of self-healing with you.